
This table encompasses the public dissemination material of the Mistral Project

Title Author(s) Event Date Venue Type Download
Measuring with Timed Patterns Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler, Dejan Nickovic and Dogan Ulus CAV'15 20-25 July 2015 San Francisco, USA Conference paper pdf
Trace Diagnostics using Temporal Implicants Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler and Dejan Nickovic ATVA'15 12-15 October 2015 Shanghai, China Conference paper pdf
Monitoring and Measuring Hybrid Behaviors - a Tutorial Dejan Nickovic RV'15 22-25 September 2015 Vienna, Austria Invited tutorial pdf
Assertion-based Monitoring in Practice - Checking Correctness of an Automotive Sensor Interface Thang Nguyen and Dejan Nickovic SCP 2016   Journal paper pdf
Runtime Verification Ezio Bartocci and Dejan Nickovic VUT 2016 Vienna University of Technology Master course